Sunday, February 11, 2007

WPF/E - getting started

WPF/E is one of Microsofts latest "Hot" things. It's used to create very rich, cross-platfrom, interactive web applications.

It's fairly easy to get this working. Here's some things you'll need

Windows XP / Vista with .NET 3.0

Visual Studio 2005 (Orcas 'JAN CTP' does not work with WPF)


Once you have these you're pretty much ready to go. The WPF/E SDK will install the template for VS2005. Now there are two ways to start playing around with this. The first is to open up VS and create a new project. ***Make sure you don't select New Web Site unless you follow the article mentioned below, just click the new project. Under the 'My Templates' section you see "WPF/E Javascript Application". This creates a web site with no aspx files, just straight up html,javascript, and XAML.

I could go into how to setup a web site with good old aspx files, but the information is already out there.. You can find it in this good article.

Hopefully I can get some better posts up about WPF in the near future (I'm just green on this technology right now :) )

Stay Tuned!

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